Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management

Wiz analyzes cloud entitlements and auto-generates least privilege policies across your cloud, to help teams visualize, detect, prioritize, and remediate identity (IAM) risks.

Take Control of Your Cloud Entitlements

Wiz analyzes cloud entitlements and effective permissions to help teams understand their identity-related risk and exposure. Wiz scans and detects exposed secrets and lateral movement paths that might compromise sensitive assets and auto-generates remediation suggestions and least privilege policies.

Right-Size Permissions

Monitor human and service identities and utilize the auto-generated guided least privilege suggestions to right-size the access and entitlements in your environment.

Analyze Effective Permissions

Wiz builds a map of effective access between all principals and all resources, taking into account advanced cloud native mitigating controls including boundaries, ACLs and SCPs.

Exposed Secrets and Lateral Movement

Agentless and frictionless detection of leaked secrets or credentials that attackers might use in attempts to access sensitive assets or take over accounts.

Enforce Least Privilege Across Your Clouds

Understand effective permissions: Wiz analyzes effective permissions to help teams understand the bottom line of “who has access to what.”

Auto-generated recommendations: Based on usage, Wiz automatically generates granular recommendations that allow teams to follow guided remediation steps to reduce access and revoke unused permissions.

Reduce IAM exposure: Wiz provides explicit granular recommendations on how to close and remediate any public exposure via IAM. Wiz detects accidental exposure of sensitive resources via identity misconfigurations, and enables teams to quickly act and remediate.

Go Beyond CIEM

  • Identify exposed credentials: Scan all types of workloads to help your teams identify potential risks associated with exposed secrets, access keys, credentials, or weak passwords.
  • Attack path analysis: Easily discover complex chains of exposures and lateral movement paths that lead to high-value assets such as admin identities or crown jewel data stores, taking classic CIEM to a whole new level.
  • Toxic combinations: Wiz correlates cloud entitlements with other risk factors to surface toxic combinations of your most critical risks to effectively improve your cloud security posture.

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Getting started is easy

Complete security for AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI, Alibaba Cloud, Kubernetes, and Openshift. Start securing your cloud with a 5 minute agentless install. Meet your new partner in cloud security.